
golden bud Learn more about golden bud

  • What should we do if the golden bract flower grows insects? pest control of golden bract flower / 3 insect pests and 2 diseases

    What should we do if the golden bract flower grows insects? pest control of golden bract flower / 3 insect pests and 2 diseases

    In the process of breeding golden bracts, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests and other problems, this kind of problems do great harm to the plant, if not dealt with in time, it will lead to the phenomenon of plant death. So what should we do if the golden bracts grow into worms? What should be done to control diseases and insect pests of Golden Bract Flower?

  • Culture method of Golden Bract Flower

    Culture method of Golden Bract Flower

    1. Temperature the suitable temperature for the growth of Golden Bract is about 15 ℃-25 ℃. If the temperature is too high or too low, it is disadvantageous to its growth. If the temperature is too low, the leaves will fall off, and in severe cases, the plants will even wither and die. In winter, it should be kept in a sunny place indoors, watering should be controlled slightly, and the lowest temperature should be above 10 ℃.

  • How to water the golden bracts, the water quality should be clean / not too much / well drained in the rainy season

    How to water the golden bracts, the water quality should be clean / not too much / well drained in the rainy season

    Golden bracts like a humid environment, so in the breeding method of golden bracts, it is necessary to create an environment that meets the requirements through watering, neither often without watering, nor too much, so how to water golden bracts? This is a question that many flower friends are concerned about. The following editor will tell you the answer.

  • When does the golden bract blossom? what if the golden bud does not blossom / with a solution

    When does the golden bract blossom? what if the golden bud does not blossom / with a solution

    Golden bracts flower language has the meaning of a hundred years of harmony and prosperity, so it not only has a strange flower shape, but also has a very beautiful flower language, and many people choose to plant it because of its long flowering period.

  • How to prune the branches and leaves of Flos Lonicerae and its propagation method

    How to prune the branches and leaves of Flos Lonicerae and its propagation method

    Pruning branches and leaves is an important way to shape plant shape. Golden bract is a very atmospheric plant. Pruning branches and leaves when planting golden bracts can make golden bracts more beautiful and prosperous. There are many ways for plants to reproduce, and most plants have two or three kinds of reproduction.

    2020-11-08 Golden bracts how pruning branches and leaves reproduction methods
  • The reason why the latest golden bud does not blossom and its solution

    The reason why the latest golden bud does not blossom and its solution

    Golden bract flower is the main ornamental value of its flowers, its flowers are very unique, golden bracts like a tower wrapped around the flowers, can be said to be very lovely and fun. However, when planting, many friends found that the golden bud flowers raised by themselves did not blossom.

    2020-11-10 The latest golden bracts no flowering causes and solutions methods
  • How much is the grafting technique of golden marbles?

    How much is the grafting technique of golden marbles?

    Golden marbles are dioecious, and many flower friends must have tried grafting with branches or buds but failed, but there are certain skills. The grafting technique of golden marbles the grafting time of golden marbles in early May is the best time for grafting of golden marbles. Grafting techniques of golden marbles

  • Grafting Seedling technique of Golden Robinia pseudoacacia how to grow Golden Locust

    Grafting Seedling technique of Golden Robinia pseudoacacia how to grow Golden Locust

    Grafting Seedling technique of Golden Robinia pseudoacacia how to grow Golden Locust

  • How to raise golden scented tea? A complete Collection of cultivation and maintenance of Golden scented Tea

    How to raise golden scented tea? A complete Collection of cultivation and maintenance of Golden scented Tea

    Golden scented tea features: the flower is golden yellow dazzling, beautiful flower posture, has a high ornamental value. It is very popular in people's daily life. recently, many friends who like flowers and plants have asked the editor how to raise golden flower tea. In fact, the method is very simple, just pay attention to the management of soil, water, fertilizer and florescence.

  • How to divide the golden diamond without sprouting?

    How to divide the golden diamond without sprouting?

    Golden diamond is a favorite foliage plant, but its seeds are not easy to obtain, and it is difficult to reproduce seedlings. If the method of plant division is adopted, it is not easy to germinate lateral buds under normal circumstances. It is not only simple and easy to use, but also the best effect to adopt the method of removing top to promote germination and propagation of golden diamond. In summer and autumn when the temperature is higher

  • Propagation method for promoting golden diamond to germinate latent bud

    Propagation method for promoting golden diamond to germinate latent bud

    Golden Diamond belongs to Araceae, is a popular evergreen foliage plant, short stems, clusters, large and strange leaves, thick green and smooth, and more tolerant of shade, and can withstand low temperature of about 5℃, suitable for indoor viewing, according to plant size, display in the hall, living room, decoration in the study, hall and other places

  • The latest golden bud flower cultivation methods and precautions

    The latest golden bud flower cultivation methods and precautions

    Goldenbud flower is a special ornamental plant, its inflorescence is very large but the flowers are hidden in the golden bracts, looks very strange. So how should the golden bud flower be cultivated? What should I pay attention to? Let's learn more about it together with Xiaobian.

    2020-11-10 latest golden bud flower culture methods and precautions
  • Grafting Propagation techniques and key points of domestication and cultivation of Golden marbles in Guanguo Bonsai

    Grafting Propagation techniques and key points of domestication and cultivation of Golden marbles in Guanguo Bonsai

    Golden marbles, also known as persimmon, black persimmon and bottle orchid, belong to evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs of the persimmon family, with a height of 10m, a breast height of up to 30~80cm in diameter, flowering from April to May and fruiting from August to October.

  • Planting techniques of Golden Pear in Dengzhou City

    Planting techniques of Golden Pear in Dengzhou City

    Dengzhou Golden Pear planting Technology Golden Pear is a kind of fruit which is very popular with consumers. The fruit is golden in appearance, good in quality, good in flavor and resistant to storage. The pear fruit has the functions of promoting fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat, resolving phlegm and so on. The golden pear is made in South Korea.

  • How to propagate golden scented tea, two propagation methods of golden scented tea (cutting / sowing)

    How to propagate golden scented tea, two propagation methods of golden scented tea (cutting / sowing)

    Golden scented tea, also known as yellow camellia, as its name, it has a golden color, crystal clear, looks very beautiful. Because of the beauty of golden scented tea, but also because of its strong efficacy, it is multiplied in large numbers, so how to reproduce golden scented tea? According to the editor, there are two common propagation methods of golden scented tea, one is cutting.

  • How to grow Golden scented Tea

    How to grow Golden scented Tea

    Golden scented tea likes warm and humid climate, acid soil with good drainage, shade at seedling stage, and sunshine after entering flowering stage. The requirement of soil is not strict, and it can grow in slightly acidic to neutral soil. Endure barren, but also like to be fat. Strong resistance to waterlogging

  • Propagation and Disease Protection of Flos Lonicerae

    Propagation and Disease Protection of Flos Lonicerae

    Cuttings are commonly used for propagation, which can be carried out throughout the year, especially in summer. When cutting, cut off 8cm branches, leave two or three spores, buried in the prepared pot soil, keep the temperature above 15 degrees, it will sprout in 2 months, can blossom in the same year. Leaf spot disease, can be sprayed with Dysen zinc wettable powder

  • Maintenance of golden marbles

    Maintenance of golden marbles

    Place gold marbles like to be warm and humid, so it is best to put them in a sunny place. It can be shaded a little in summer and put indoors in winter. Watering must always keep the basin soil moist and not dry. When the temperature is high, in addition to proper shade, you should also spray water frequently. Fertilization should be applied regularly during the growing period.

  • What if the golden marbles don't work out?

    What if the golden marbles don't work out?

    Golden marble is a kind of plant that many families like to raise now, because it has a high ornamental value, and the main ornamental point lies in its flowers and fruits. However, many people will have no results when breeding, so they should.

  • Go to the top to promote the breeding of golden diamond

    Go to the top to promote the breeding of golden diamond

    Chunyu is a popular foliage plant. However, the seeds are not easy to obtain, and it is difficult to propagate seedlings. If the split plant method is used, it is not easy to germinate lateral buds under normal circumstances. The method of removing the top to promote sprouting and breeding spring feather is not only simple and easy, but also has the best effect. When the temperature is higher in summer and autumn
